
Avington Park Golf Course


Seniors Section

My name is John King. I have the honour of being the Senior's Captain at Avington for 2023/24. I have had the pleasure of the company of all the friendly golfers at Avington for nearly 3 years. I look forward to carrying on the good work of my predesessor Dave (boy) Green.

The Seniors Section is open to all members of Avington Park Golf Course, both Full and Flexible, who are aged 55 or over and costs nothing to join.  New members are made very welcome and there are numerous opportunities to meet other members and to play friendly and enjoyable golf. We have a wide range of ages and apptitudes so there is a place for everyone.     

We have a roll-up on Monday morning every week (other than on bank-holidays) which usually attracts about thirty of us. Two Mondays in each month are qualifying competitions - one a medal and the other a stableford - which provide the opportunity to keep handicaps up to date. On the other Mondays we play a variety of different individual and team game formats include Texas Scrambles, Cha cha cha and whatever else the Captain comes up with. There are other smaller groups playing on Wednesdays (The Mafia) and Fridays (The Bake-off) which are open to all.  If you don't have a current handicap we will help you get one so you can get involved in all the competitions.

We have a scheme of signing up online for our Monday games and this seems to work well so will remain for the foreseeable future.  If you would like to get involved with the section you can contact me via the messaging service on the website or I'm sure the helpful folks in the clubhouse or office will point you in the right direction.

Another feature is our charity fundraising holding various functions during the year, plus a fine of £1 for each time you go into the 8th/17th bunker so please bring some odd cash weekly. Our charity this year is Cancer Research UK. 

I look forward to meeting, chatting and playing with you in my year of office and many thanks to Dave for his help handing over his tenure.



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